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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mickey Mouse Morning

Mmmm...cereal bars and cartoons. Feels almost like home, only with monkeys.


  1. They look so long. I remember seer-seer bars so well. Oh, I could cry. The word "seer-seer" just teleported me to your old house. Oh the many hours spent together with two three year olds, two 2 year olds, and two babies...

  2. Sweet. They look very settled, secure and Caleb looks so long.

  3. Look at their long skinny legs. Precious. Is that your room? It's awesome looking.

  4. Peach, I know. In some ways it seems like yesterday...Dad, they are doing well I think. Miriam, our room simply isn't awesome. But you're right. The picture does make it look that way ;) Love to my whole little family. Thanks for the comments, sisters and dad.
