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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Shaken, Not Stirred (as it were)

Ok, so recently J, the kids, and I have had to take 'worm pills' for, er, worms. Now before you quit reading because you're about to barf, notice I didn't say we actually have worms. I'm simply saying that it's a good idea to take the pills anyway if you live where we do--you know, as a precaution (and I'm also saying that I might have worms).

So anyway, I took my pill a few minutes ago and I felt nervous-but-good about it until D informed me that I should have chewed it first. Naturally, I clutched my stomach and ran to find J.

"What in the Sam Hill, J? Were we supposed to chew our worm-killers or swallow them?" My voice was unusually tight and high.

"Of course we were supposed to swallow them. Who chews pills? And stop freaking out. It says here...Oh great. We were supposed to chew them..." (J is my answer man. What can I say?)

"What's going to happen to us? What should I do now?" I demanded.

"Well, I know one thing," J offered helpfully. "You won't be chewing your pill."

What followed next wouldn't be edifying for you...But my question is this: What happens when you swallow a pill that was supposed to be chewed? Does anyone know?

To Be Continued...


  1. I can't say this from actual knowledge, but I would have to reason that if you could chew it up, your stomach acid is just going to disolve it. It may just take a little longer to get into your system than it would if it had been chewed and began to disolve in your mouth. I figure the reason most pills don't get chewed is because the taste of the medicine is not something you want in your mouth, hence the coating on the pill that gets disolved away.

  2. I realized you wouldn't know who eeebfan00 was. It me, Andrew.

  3. btw, I believe that eeebfan00 is right. makes dissolution faster and easier but, trust me, the acid in your stomach is more than capable of breaking that sucka down!

    imho. ;)

  4. H, we need to take them also. BTW, did you have symptoms? Curious because......yeah, just wonderin'! :)

  5. nothing happens. We give these out to everyone in Central America- including children who frequently cannot swallow pills. So it really doesn't matter how it makes it to your stomach. Chewing is frequently easier for kids. Ps. i'm enjoying the blog. I have the huger rubberband to send you- Sorry I haven't done it yet.
