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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Monday, April 19, 2010

It Would Still Be True

Last night we got the news that one of the aunties who helped to raise D had passed away. Of course, D had to attend the funeral, which happened today. That meant that late last night, D and I were scrambling to get together a bag for her with clothes, extra cash, a water bottle, and then there were phone calls to make...

It also meant that at five o'clock this morning, D and I were on our porch hugging and praying for her safety. She would have to walk alone to the bus stand in the near-dark, buy a ticket, and then change buses in another city. I told her she'd be fine. I wasn't sure.

And then it meant that the kids and I are alone today. The sad part is, before D left I had to get her to show me how to light our gas stove without blowing the apartment up. That's how little cooking I do. I was already making plans in my head to hard boil eggs, slice cheese, get out the peanut butter, cereal and popcorn...

Imagine my relief when our landladies sent up a hot Indian lunch for us and have promised dal and rice for dinner tonight. So no "cooking" for me! D is supposed to return at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning, which means I'll be up with the birds again. I'm thankful to have heard that she made it to her destination safely and I'm thrilled she'll back so soon.

The truth is, though, even though I've been blessed with help during D's absence I am only vaguely grateful--like finding my wallet before I realized I had lost it. My kids and I have cried today. I'm beyond exhausted. And yet, I know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord is faithful. And even if today had completely fallen apart that would still be true.

But it didn't fall apart. We had water for a long time and the electricity only went out for the normal two hours in the afternoon. And that is a mercy.

So thank you for praying. J seems to be doing great with his Hindi studies and we are making it. I miss him, though, and we are all ready for him to come home. Which will be on Saturday morning, incidentally. Oh! And he takes his test on Thursday afternoon, which will be Thursday morning for you all. Will you remember him in prayer then? Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there. You are going to make it, even when we aren't sure ourselves. He is so faithful!
