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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bad Blog

I've discovered a little something. I think I knew it all along. What makes for good living makes for bad blogging.

We've been bored around here. Deliciously bored. The kind of bored that eases the stress of constant transition off of me like Botox for wrinkles. The good part is, my resting heart rate is in the healthy range. The bad news is, I have nothing to say. Nothing to blog. Nuh-nuh-nuthin.' I feel like the kid who has to mess with the margins on Microsoft Word to get her term paper the right number of pages.

Sigh. Sorry, I'll stop now, 'cause there's nothing to...Oh wait. I said that already. Um, we don't have water in our apartment and haven't for 24 hours. But, no, forget it. That's normal.

Here's hoping I have nothing to write about for a while longer.


  1. I feel your rest. Praying that God continue to give you more daily. :)


  2. You're cute :) I know how you're feeling...normalcy equals nada in the blogging world...but I always enjoy even your "nothings" :) Glad things seem to be settling down there. Miss you guys!

  3. Hannah- that's good news that you're able to just enjoy, but no matter what you write about, I'm totally and completely engrossed! Even little blurbs comparing, say, toilet paper, would be a fun read-it just helps us feel connected!
    What I'm dying to know is about your culinary experiences thus far...
    Love you and pray for you as the Lord brings you to mind.
