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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Last night our family enjoyed a fun meal and conversation with our landlords and their families. The kids played, the grown-ups talked, the food was wonderful...

At one point, the eldest landlord began waxing eloquent on politics, history, religion, and the state of the universe--in limited English. He announced that Americans are afraid of Middle Easterners because of what happened years ago.

"You know, Americans have fears. They have problems with trust now. It's all because of what happened on 7/11."

I had to concentrate very hard on his beard and not look in his eyes, or he would see. Oh the irony! The irony of an Indian messing up the date that changed our country--and coming up with 7/11. The name of the one gas station chain they seem to love in the States...


  1. yes, a freudian slip perhaps? :)

    love the new photo. So appropo!

    love you!

  2. nice...Mg and I got a big kick out of this. keep the good stories coming...you seem to always have a good one...more than we do, for sure!

  3. I am impressed you kept the giggles at bay. Can't wait to catch up.
