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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Not again.

I hate to be the bearer of bad blog posts, but now D is very sick. We need your prayers. She seems like she has the flu, and well, you know if she has it...

The other weird thing is that G is getting over her little cold virus/conjunctivitis thing-y, but now she's breaking out in hives periodically. Not at ALL sure why. We've given her a couple of doses of Benadryl for kids and it seems to help. Until the next time.

Again, if anyone has had any experience with kids getting hives after a virus, please let me know...



  1. Again, I'm no medical professional, but my daughter had a virus and then had a splotchy rashy thing and I took her to the dr, only to confirm that it was a virus (not flu) to be treated with Benadryl. Sounds like you're ahead of the game. Whatever you decide, we're praying you all feel better very soon!

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  3. Do the hives move? Like one time they come in one place and then she gets them again in another place, even right next to the old ones? If that is the case get her in to the DR. Kids can get travelling hives like that from walking pneumonia and or strep throat. My oldest had it after a cold and I took him in, he sounded and felt mostly fine but the hives kept not going away. The doc on the phone said Benadryl but I had my doubts so I took him in. One chest X-ray later he was diagnosed with pneumonia and given antibiotics and a few days later he was fine. Same thing can happen with strep the hives can be caused by an allergic reaction to the bacteria.
