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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Good, The Bad, and The Inappropriate

A lot has been going on for our family lately. There's our friends leaving our city, the mystery plague we've all lovingly shared, and then today a riot which took place two buildings down from our apartment. (It has fizzled out so I'm not worried, but it was something to see, I can tell you).

J called from another village to tell me that things are going great there and that it's been one of the best experiences he's had--if not the best--in our 1.5 years here. That makes everything else seem worth it.

But on a lighter note, I went through some items my kids no longer use and I decided to send them downstairs so that my landlady could give them to those in need. She's Sikh and part of her religion involves helping the poor, so I thought this little arrangement would work out great.

But I'm also a ditz, as my sisters will tell you.

Wanna know something else about Sikhs? Sikhs don't cut their hair. It's quite literally against their religion. The men keep very long, neatly waxed beards and the women often have braids that fall to their knees. So I should not have said what I said next:

Me (after dropping off several garbage bags of clothes and toys): Thanks so much for taking these things from me. They were taking up too much space in the apartment. I feel like I've just gotten a haircut. I feel great!

My landlady (glassy-eyed):

Me (as my brain registers the faux pas and I whisper an involuntary crap): Ok, bye!


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