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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Good Dad

As a dad J is The Real Deal. Since he is human his kids get on his nerves sometimes, especially now that he spends more time working from home than he used to, and they are in his face a lot. But he's still a very good dad. Today he made the kids cardboard daggers which they colored and bejewelled gleefully. They are into playing battle these days for some reason. Maybe it's because our focus verses have been Ephesians 6: 10-12. Whatever the reason, at the moment they are skipping around the apartment making whooshing, slaying noises and then pausing to admire their weapons again.

Thanks, J, for being yourself. 'Cause you know I would never make a cardboard dagger, and that's no lie.