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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pretty Girls

Friday, February 26, 2010

This kid is full of quotable quotes and pure mischief.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Complete Healing

G*d works in a variety ways here. One of the primary ways is through the miraculous healing of physical ailments. It happens rather often, and afterward people recognize that He is the healer of their bodies as well as their souls. Because so many people here live in pain and poverty, healing comes as a shocking relief.

I write this because right now we have two people in our building (our landlord and his daughter-in-law's mother) who are rather seriously ill. We have openly committed to pr*y for them, and that's where you come in. (Now these people are not poor. They are not uneducated, but they are as helpless in their current state as any of us are in the US when science cannot help anymore). I am asking you to join with us in lifting them up, so that they would receive complete healing, and that they would make the connection that it was He who healed them.

Thank you. I'll let you know...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


People stare at us a lot here. I like to imagine that it's because they think I'm some kind of movie star. But today, my bubble was burst. We were out in the city and a group of young Indians passed us on the street. This is what we heard: Oh my god! Soooo white!

Um...ok, so it wasn't that they thought I was Audrey Hepburn. Dang it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Village Life

Monday, February 22, 2010


Most of you already know by now, but I will shout it from the rooftops anyway. The little Indian boy, Vijay Paul, has been found. He has reunited with his family against incredible odds and all the credit goes to Him.

Thank you
, Lord. You are good all the time. Even when circumstances aren't.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

One of My Birthday Presents Was...

It was a cute thermos, but the best part was the inspirational saying at the top. Farever.
I think this warning is on McDonald's cups too.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Hard to see, but the candles spelled out '32.'
Sweet, sweet baby. Not mine, but I'd take her in a heartbeat!
Lighting tons and tons of candles...

My new earrings from Chandra. I'm an earring kind of girl.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I must be getting somewhere. Today, after chatting with my landlady for an hour-and-half, I broke down and cried. Doesn't really matter why, and I'm not sure I could say anyway...But I did. And I didn't recoil when she vigorously rubbed the tears off of my very sensitive cheeks. She told me I was like her daughter. Now I don't know if that's really true or not, but I do know that sometimes tears are the currency of a relationship. And today I paid my entrance fee.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

What We Know Now

We wanted all of you to know the latest news we've received about Vijay, the little Indian boy who's been lost in the mountains. We've all been on a roller coaster here, as we've received what might be good news, and then bad news again.

As of today, Vijay's family has given up the village-to-village search they've been conducting as they haven't been able to find him, and it's not productive anymore. Instead, they have placed his picture in the paper with a phone number to call in case anyone recognizes him.

The hard truth is, he's been missing for five days now, and while there's always hope, his family fears that he has either been killed by panthers or has been taken by a family or business and forced into child labor, which sometimes happens around here. Resolution could be weeks or even months away.

This is such a profoundly sad and anxious time in their lives. Those of you who are praying people, please pray for peace and sustained faith for this family during their own 'valley of the shadow.' Their little world is watching them, wondering what will happen and what they'll do next. Their neighbors believe all this has happened because they are under a curse.

We believe differently and long for comfort and supernatural peace for them. And, of course, we pray for the return of little Vijay. Please continue to lift these people up. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Isn't She Cute?

One of our landladies, Soorenderji, made this sweater for Grace.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Please Keep On...

I've got nothing to say today, except that I'm wondering what's going to happen to the little boy who's wandering the mountains right now. We've been praying--haven't stopped really. Can you imagine this in-between-time for his mother? Please pray.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mom!

It's a long established fact that everyone's got a mom. But not everyone has a mom like mine. Mom, I could write a bad poem for you, or a long letter, but know that would be kind-of like the "breakfast" we made you on Mother's Day many years ago. You'd have to pretend to like it. So I won't. What I will say is that I wouldn't be who I am without you. I love you, and I'm so glad you're my mom. Happy Birthday.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Best Thing I've Seen in Forever

Ok, so I can't condone everything on this website, but I simply had to post the following link. Those who know me well know that I am a hug connoisseur. This most assuredly does not mean that I enjoy hugs, per se. In fact, I have personal hug rules that I follow and wish others would, too. Rather, it means that I know a lot about hugs--and avoiding them--and truthfully, I know more what I hate about them than what I like...So naturally, when I saw this chart of hugs, well, something in me finally felt at peace.


Don't give one of these hugs. Just don't.

Surprise (again).

I just wanted to report that I had a great language/friendship time with my landladies today. And I so much did not want to visit them beforehand. It was amazing the downward pull I experienced, but J reminded me that He is greater than my fears/issues. So I went. And I can't tell you (though I'm trying, right?) how good it actually was.

I got to really communicate, although my Hindi still isn't awesome, because the heart sometimes speaks louder than the mouth. And because God is good. (Remind me of this day when I'm in the pit again). And please continue to pray for these ladies--and for my relationship with them. I have a feeling it's more important than I know...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

True Rest

We were wiped out today. You know it's bad when morning-person J is falling asleep at 10:00 a.m. I mean, it's really nothing for me to wake up in the morning and instantly wish to be asleep again. But J?

Well, anyway, we called off school today and I instituted a two-hour afternoon rest time for the kids. Of course, they didn't sleep. But they read books quietly. I took some time to read my Bible and just be internally quiet. It was better than sleeping. I was reminded that the Lord orders my days that my life is in his hands.

And that is what true rest looks like.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

If You Look For It, You'll Find It (The Beautiful Side)

Extraordinary Moments

It started with damp weather, and clouds "falling" on the lake.
Slowly, the fog increased and turned into freezing drizzle.
It crept up and covered the mountains.
After a few minutes, visibility was almost nil.
Amazing. And cold.

Monday, February 8, 2010


I did not know how this day was gonna turn out. Not that I ever know. My emotions just aren't good judges of...well, anything really. Anyway, I had finished school with the kids, and the sky was rainy and slate-gray. The power had been off today more than it had been on and I felt like I had sorta crabbed my way through the afternoon.

Today is C's last day with us, and she asked me if I'd be willing to go out for one more jaunt into the city. She wanted to buy a novel to distract her from thinking about typhoid, and I thought I might find a kid's book in English to translate into Hindi. I need something to use in my conversations with my landlady.

So, it was still cold and damp out and I had only 250 rupees in my purse. That's roughly $5. I rummaged around in my bag and muttered, "I hope I have enough money for a book or two, but I don't know..." I felt beige about the whole thing.

We set out and the first bookstore was closed. Then we looked inside another one--nothing. Finally, on our way home (and as we were being rained on) we saw one more bookshop. We walked in, browsed a bit, and I found exactly the two books I was looking for. I felt instantly relieved, a feeling quickly replaced with the knowledge that I might not be able to afford them.

I flipped them over, scanning for a price tag. The first one cost 140 rupees, and the other one 110. Two hundred and fifty rupees exactly. And though that seems like mere coincidence, I know otherwise.

I'm glad I don't know diddly-squat about how my days will turn out. It's enough that Someone Else does.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February Girls

We all have February birthdays.
Watch it with the knife, Cath...
Um, the eight candle should be understood as 'eight plus 11, 14, and 15.'
The hubs and me.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

What I Didn't Want To Do

One of the best things about Cathy being here (besides the riotous laughter) is that she's gently encouraged me to go out and meet people in my community. I am an introvert who hardly spends "quality time" with the people I like. I don't enjoy speaking Hindi to people I don't know very well either. So getting to know the women in my neighborhood has felt truly daunting.

Yesterday, though, because C was with me, I met two nurses who work in the little clinic next to my apartment building. They invited us inside, and we found ourselves in a recovery room where a woman had given birth to a son very recently. She was lying on a rustic bed sipping chai, while her much-older husband beamed at us, and made sure that we knew that the baby in a family member's arms was his sixth child--and a son at that. He lifted his hands in praise to Allah. Neither he nor anyone else in the room seemed to find it strange that two white women were intruding on their private moment.

The mother heaved herself up a moment later to offer Cathy and me chai. I was slightly--no, truly--horrified that she would feel it necessary to offer us hospitality, and quickly smiled and mumbled in Hindi that we were about to go have coffee, and that she should rest. The nurse smiled at us warmly, and it dawned on me that I might have made a friend...

Today, we saw the same nurse again and chatted with her about the weather. Then the washerwoman from downstairs joined the conversation, her mouth full of food, and mocked the weather forecast. It was congenial. Slowly, the two high school students studying for exams upstairs made their way over and just listened to the white girls speak Hindi.

And without realizing it, I had done what I didn't want to do. And liked it. Thanks, Cath.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Our middle son caught a ball with his face today. He was not pleased.

Me: Baby, are you OK??

C: I guess...but...I feel a little unconscious.

Oh dear.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Visitors and More Fun

Cathy and me.
Indians can fit in really small spaces. This me and my auto-rickshaw.
Cathy and hers.
E, B, Q, and us. We had great fun together!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Families Come In All Shapes and Species

Daddy keeps watch while Mommy checks on the baby.
Pretty sure the baby is nursing.
Mommy scratches the baby's little head.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dolly (part two)

I want a deeper relationship with this woman, and I want the bravery/opportunity to tell her the best news she'll ever hear. It seems impossible, which is how He likes it. Cover me, would you?

Power Outtage (again)

C and me, getting sick of not seeing...