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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Best Thing I've Seen in Forever

Ok, so I can't condone everything on this website, but I simply had to post the following link. Those who know me well know that I am a hug connoisseur. This most assuredly does not mean that I enjoy hugs, per se. In fact, I have personal hug rules that I follow and wish others would, too. Rather, it means that I know a lot about hugs--and avoiding them--and truthfully, I know more what I hate about them than what I like...So naturally, when I saw this chart of hugs, well, something in me finally felt at peace.


Don't give one of these hugs. Just don't.


  1. I am the same way. I dislike hugs (for the most part... and especially from strangers). I have high standards for when and whom to hug. I lived in Texas for a while, where everyone hugs everyone; it is their typical greeting when meeting a new person. Which made for awkward encounters for me and the other person, quite often.
    Loved the comic! :)

  2. I'm with you! And then there is the required air kisses in the northeast. Caused problems with certain family members when I first came around because that is so NOT me! Those certain someones thought I was arrogant when I just don't do it! Oh the ways one has to change when joining another family. :(
