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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


  • After teaching a class yesterday, J played four games of volleyball with his Indian students (all 20-somethings). He dominated, as you might imagine. Smile.
  • A stray, but friendly little dog managed to get inside our landlord's apartment on the bottom floor. The whole family was in an uproar and seemed scared of it. They squealed and yelled in Hindi and tried to kick it...So I promptly went in, crouched down and spoke to the dog, picked him up, and escorted him out of the house. They laughed incredulously and stared at me as if I'd just walked on water. Dolly said, affectionately, "You are a friend to everybody." (A lovely, if untrue, thought. I suppose she thinks this carries over to dogs as well...)
  • The kids got invited to our Muslim neighbor's house next door. This is a big deal and it's the first time it's happened. They've all played outside many times, but to be invited in is a bird of a different feather.
  • Today was the third straight day of homeschooling with a full load of subjects where I didn't feel like completely giving up. And that, friends, is something.

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