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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


So, this weekend was good. But it was so busy that J, the kids, and I are exhausted. Today's Sunday and since we usually worship together on another day, right now we're listening to some country music that SP sent us from the States. Who knew that a harmonica could bring tears to our eyes?

We ate pancakes this morning and we're in our pajamas now. Just needin' an American day, I guess. Man, I miss Jim Carey...

1 comment:

  1. I have never been a breakfast person but after being in Europe for two months one night I dreamed I was having bacon, eggs, home fries, toast and coffee all night. Such a delicious dream.

    Also, some of my best times of worship have been me and my iPod. I tend to dwell on the words and make them my own song to Him at those times.

    Sounds like a great time being had by all hangin' in your pjs.

    Love, Aileen
