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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


As I've mentioned before, J and I watch a lot of Hindi movies. Sometimes they're heart-warming. Sometimes they're goofy, and sometimes just plain weird. We accept all kinds mostly because they help us with our Hindi.

So last night we were watching a Bollywood movie about two young lovers, replete with improbable costume changes and dubbed singing. The inevitable marriage proposal scene was upon us in no time. It took place in a garden, with more singing, of course. None of that surprised us in the least. What did cause us fits of capillary-bursting laughter was the following dialogue:

Man (in Hindi): Darling, you look so beautiful. There's something I've wanted to ask you...

Woman (in Hindi): Yes. You're wonderful too. I'm listening...

Man (in English all of a sudden): Look, dude. I want to grow old with you. Will you marry me?

Woman (in English): Yes, oh yes!

Now we've been here long enough to stop snickering when people say they're feeling pressurized or stressy. But may we never stay so long that we find the above scene cool. And if we do, just somebody tell us we're drifting, k?

P.S. We shared this little movie moment with our kamwalli, D. She listened, paused for a moment, and simply said, "Oh." Never cracked a smile.


  1. One day, back at "band camp", Jan was talking to me in the lunch line, and he admitted to me....that was TOTALLY the line he used to ask you to marry him.

  2. Lol... wow. Hindi films never cease to amaze.
