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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Well, folks, we're excited. We have a business meeting to attend in Thailand and we cannot wait to go. We leave tomorrow night on an overnight train. Then it's boarding a plane to Bangkok. The kids are looking forward to hamburgers and J and I are giddy about the nice hotel in which we get to stay for awhile. It has unlimited AC and a bathtub, and words can't adequately express what these things mean to us these days.

I'm not sure what the Internet situation will look like there, but we'll take plenty of pictures (since I'm an obsessive wannabe photographer) and hopefully post them soon. Take care. I'll 'see' you soon.

1 comment:

  1. I spent 3 months living in Bangkok (summer 2007) and loved it! I can't wait to see photos (most hotels have wireless access). Have fun!
