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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

An Indian Wedding

I know you think we make this stuff up. But I promise you, it's too hot here for clever lies. We can't even exaggerate. If we get up the energy to talk at all, the truth just comes drawling out. So on to my true story:

We watched an Indian wedding video tonight. It was colorful and bold and full of celebration. The women wore gorgeous saris and the men bright kurtas. The wedding tent looked big enough to hold a circus. In fact, the whole thing kind-of reminded us of a circus--without the juggling bears, of course.

The bit we weren't expecting, though, was the mosh pit of Indians dancing their jubilant hearts out...y'all, I promise...to Play That Funky Music White Boy.

Even in this oppressive heat we got the joke.


  1. Okay, I'm dying from excessive laughter...

    ...someone help me catch my breath!!!

    Thanks for sharing, Hannah!

  2. haaaaaaaaaa

    And also funny: "the truth comes drawling out..." I immediately imagine "truth" being a clear ribbon of drool. Oh, I'm laughing so hard.

  3. Hilarious. If only Jon could have been there to shake that booty and fro.

  4. I'm simply stunned and can't think of anything to say. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. LOL.... no way. That is one funny mental picture.
