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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Home, Sweet Home.

Well, we arrived safely at our new destination. Our apartment is nicer than I expected in some ways...and slightly grosser in other ways. It'll all work itself out in the end. We know that the Lord is with us here. And we have a little entourage of friends who have taken the trip with us and are doing all kinds of things to help--like making coffee runs, unpacking sheets for the kids' beds, hanging posters, and supplying large bottles of Fanta (we don't have a water purifier yet).

I'll update more--with photos of the new place--as soon as I reasonably can. We love you all and covet your prayers in this time of transition.


  1. We are at the guest house!!!!!! Can you believe it?! So glad you are home :)

  2. Yea!!! I' so glad you've made it. Still praying.
