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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Thanks to everyone for your help about the Pink Eye. I'm sure G's got the viral kind and we know how we're going to treat it. You all are the best.

On another note, there's a huge music festival going on here. Bands and singers from all over India have been featured, and we've gotten a 'front row seat' whether we've wanted to or not since our apartment is in the middle of town. Most of the music has been popular Indian love songs in Hindi. I feel like I could sing some of them in my sleep.

But last night, as I was trying to trick myself into thinking the drumbeats from outside were just the beating of my own heart, I heard a familiar tune. It was Bon Jovi--well, no it wasn't--but it was his song. The singer must have thought that the key to performing western music is to get really, really angry before a show, dig deep, and then grunt out the lyrics. 'Cause...that's what he was doing.

"It's my liiiiiife. It's now or never (grunt). I don't want to WAIT forever (yelling the word wait). I just wanna LIVE while I'm ALIVE (more yell-emphasis)."

It was totally weird.

I didn't know if J was awake or asleep, so I just quietly whispered this little word of censure: nope. Just--nope.


  1. praying for your (that's a plural "your") health and spiritual well being.

    love you,

  2. hilarious. i'd pay top dollar to watch that performance.

  3. Ditto..........HILARIOUS...(yell-emphasis)...grunt...
