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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

D in Love

(D on the right)
D was gone for around eight days. She's home with us now, and I couldn't be happier. We're having fried chicken and dahl and rice for dinner. We had french toast for breakfast, and subzi and chapatis for lunch. She's spoiling us rotten because we've spent so many meals without her in the last several days.

But you know what? D's in love. And has been for a long time. And I could be wrong, but I think that she'll be engaged before too long. I'm guessing we might be without her by summer, though I can't be sure. I can't blame her, and I want her to be happy above other considerations...

But I'm totally sad. I know you'll think it's because of the food thing, and that's definitely part of it, of course. The girl can cook like nothing else, and I can't/don't. But it's really more about D's presence in our family life. We love her so much. The kids love her. J and I love to watch Hindi films with her just so we can hear her laugh raucously at the not very funny parts.

I love D's sleepy look in the morning. She gets to work right away, but sometimes her eyes aren't really open. She's like a little kid. And that girl is so beautiful. I love watching her put up her curly hair. She lets G brush it sometimes and doesn't say a word. That's something, too, 'cause I know how bad it hurts when G brushes anyone's hair.

As I said, our kids are crazy about her. They love her mildly disapproving looks when they mess around at the table or waste food. They love it when she tries to trick them about what we're having for dinner. They love that she plays with them. I know it hasn't happened yet, but I'm already grieving her empty seat at our dinner table.

We love you, D. Not just because you will have made our first year here possible, but because you're you.

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