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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pop Quiz

Despite the stressful circumstances attached to our trip, we found that we enjoyed what we experienced of Nepal. The people are gentle and polite and their homes, though extremely poor, are tidy and colorful.

We found it necessary to eat at the hotel where we stayed for the night, and as usual, we greatly enjoyed reading the menu. See, newspapers here don't have funnies. It is our contention that reading South Asian restaurant menus is every bit as entertaining as 'Family Circus,' if not more so.

I thought I'd try a little something out on you, My Faithful Readers. I'm going to give you a quiz. The first person to answer every question correctly will receive...the satisfaction of getting an A, and nothing more.

These items appeared on the hotel menu from which we made meal selections. See if you can guess what each item is. I record them exactly as they appeared:

  1. Chicken Stunger-Off
  2. Chicken Bro-Chests
  3. Ministoning Soup
  4. Banana Craps
  5. Chocolate Foodge Browine

Any ideas?

*I'll give the answers tomorrow.*


  1. chicken stroganoff....if that actually is something.
    Chicken bro-chests...no earthly.
    Minestrone soup....although the mini stones are much cheaper than veggies.
    Banana Craps....eww...but I would expect a lot of those what with all the monkeys.
    I lOVE chocolate food brow-wine. Yummy.

  2. 1. chicken stroganoff
    2. chicken breasts
    3. no idea
    4. banana chips?
    5. chocolate fudge brownie :)

  3. Banana crepes! Although I like Miriam's interpretation better. :-)

  4. I'm late to the party. But this was hilarious.
