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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Derelict Blogger

I've been a bit of a bad blogger of late. First of all, we've had company and our house helper decided to leave suddenly to visit friends--without giving us any advanced warning. I was...er...not pleased, you might say. And, of course, there was/is the whole holiday season in a new country. Then, to top it all off, our entire household has or is coming down with a strange and rather long-lasting stomach virus. As I type this, I'm psyching myself out of barfing by thinking of cool waterfalls...

Anyway, our Christmas was a blessed one, bittersweet and pregnant with meaning. I laughed and cried, opened presents, and missed home. I was aware the whole time that this Christmas was better than I could have expected, and yet...And yet...

Anyway, currently I'm both thankful and sick to my stomach. 'Tis the way of things here. Would you ask that we'd all heal quickly? After the New Year, we have more company coming--this time, it's our Hindi teachers and they'll be teaching an intensive for us. It'll be beneficial and fun to see them again. But we need to be well by then.

Thanks for your prayers, and I hope each of you had a blessed Christmas.


  1. derelict? no. You are a blessing to so many.

  2. You've been on my mind a lot over this Christmas season. Praying for you and your family and this crummy sickness. May God bless you.
