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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Friday, May 1, 2009

One to Grow On

This is an inaugural post. The one to set the pace, as it were. I (H) am really writing to see something appear on my wall because I don't like how bare and two-minutes-old it looks...

I think this would be a good time to begin a list of 'Hinglish' words and phrases, to which I will faithfully add as circumstances dictate. (For those of you who don't know, Hinglish is the delightful combination of Hindi and English. I dearly love it. I hope you will too).

A few examples: 'This room has too many people in it. It's hot and 'crowdy.' " "Jim thinks he's better than everyone else. He's is much too 'proudy.' " "I am happy today, isn't it?" "These schools are tough. The children feel so pressurized to succeed." "You are taking my help." (This last one we hear every time we enter the grocery store and the owner feels we need his assistance to reach the juice in front of us. It's posed as a statement, but meant as a question, and takes a little getting used to).

As a side note of minor interest, our beloved Hindi teacher, Mr. M, is most decorous and proper in every way. He carries himself in a dignified manner and is absolutely kind when J and I make fools of ourselves by referring to a donkey when we mean a mattress. His cool and unflappable ways simply underscore the well, oddity, of his clothing choice yesterday. This middle-aged Indian man was wearing a Pepto-Bismol pink t-shirt with the words 'Guess Jeans' emblazoned in the middle.

I don't know, call me crazy, but it just wasn't what I expected. But then, nothing ever is here...


  1. It's so nice to read you again! :)

  2. It is great to see you blogging again...I love to read them and catch up on the family...You guys continue to be in my prayers! Tell J I said Hi!

  3. hahahahahah. I already knew those phrases, but I'm still laughing...all the funnier written out. I'm glad you are on here again.

  4. I have felt very pressurized lately with school too--but you better believe nobody has been taking my help because I haven't offered it, isn't it?...just too busy. Love you.


  5. I wish you could hear my laughter as I read your post. I truly enjoyed every word of it. Sigh...I will experience culture shock in pleasant ways through your posting until October...
