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For the grands and some aunts and uncles too.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Post That Almost Wasn't

It is with that deadly combination of desperate gratitude and crabby wariness that I post today. J has come up with a "plan" to solve our little internet issue, whereby we plug some little thingamajiggy into my HP mini and it gives us a dial-up sort of internet connection. At first it didn't work at all, and I was rolling on my bed, biting my knuckles. Then it did work--and loaded pages very slooooowly. I haven't tried to download pictures or anything and I fear it'll take a day-and-a-half when I do. Oh, and no SKYPE until our real internet gets it's...act together...

So while I'm very happy to selectively muck about in my FB friends' personal lives and I'm grateful that I can write this post, I'm still dangerously cranky...

So anyway, last night was J's and my nine-year wedding anniversary. We went to--surprise!--an Indian restaurant and I was awful company, I'm afraid. The wet air, noise, and prying eyes of the waiters and patrons (all of whom were male, oddly) were truly getting on my last one.

I said to J, "You know, honey, we've been through a lot in the last nine years--finished our degrees (three of them), made three babies, moved six times and now live across the world. I love you more now than I ever have. But, um, this day stinks, and I'm on the verge of a raging meltdown. So...cheers and, uh, sorry about that."

Well, the evening improved because the food was delicious and the coffee was even better. We came home to sleeping kids, a competent house helper, and electricity. We decided to watch the stupid-but-nostalgic movie Elizabethtown (we're Kentuckians, after all), and chill out. The night ended better than it had begun.

Of course, at 4:00 a.m. our oldest came to our room vomiting and with a fierce case of, er, loose motion. Then, J and I followed suit at 7:00 a.m. All I can say is, life is a roller coaster here and I'm just glad I know Who controls the ride.

Over-and-out, y'all.


  1. Nothing more romantic than a little "loose motion". Happy Anniversary!

  2. I thought about you all day. Heck of a nine years. I love you. I hate your internet. I'm praying that it will get fixed. Please say "rolling around, biting my knuckles" again, soon. So funny.

  3. Praying for you daily.

    Love you...Aileen

  4. Oh, and bless you on your anniversary and God bless you with many, many more.
